by Test Kaur | January 7, 2022 | News Homepage | 0 Comments
A seed, number 1, moves to become roots, number 2. It is a year to give attention to the roots of existence. Separation from the roots or nourish the roots. This is a daily and practical matter. Otherwise we are left with a deep emptiness and sorrow that nothing in this world can satisfy. In which case we continue to live a lifestyle that separates bodies from the soul, source, soil and essence of life. It also produces a mental duality that draws us towards, even collective, suicidal tendencies. Social, political, moral and religious polarisation leading to all out global conflict; number 6. The alternative is taking care of our most essential needs; what we really need. Eliminating superfluous needs; what we believe we need. Be confronted by our polar opposite and learn to dance. Number 2 is related to detox, cleaning out, eliminating the unwanted and unnecessary. Not to be left with emptiness but rather to open up the space for the soul’s natural longing to express itself.