Our voice as our instrument

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Date Time: 2 Mar 2024 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Type of event:

Access: Online

Teacher: Siri Sadhana Kaur

Location: Kings Cross, London, London, WC1X 0LZ

Cost: £60

Website: http://www.sirisadhana.com

Email: sirisadhana@hotmail.com

Phone: N/A

Event Booking Link: #

We will learn the basic apparatus of the voice, do some voice opening techniques with breath work to engage and embody the voice. Through working as a mantra artist and performer and teacher, teaching acapella choirs and working with groups and individuals. I have discovered a great power, freedom and capacity of the voice and expression. This workshops aims to explore our authentic voice as a tool for healing and expression. We will learn the basic apparatus of the voice, do some voice opening techniques with breath work to engage and embody the voice, work with projecting the voice. We will then sing and chant in full bodied expression. There are limited spaces for each workshop so as to gain full guidance and feedback during the workshop.

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