“Gurudakshina is a way to prosperity, power of self-reliance, and confidence of every molecule of your being. It is not only very, very spiritual; it is God-like in giving. Though God gives us everything, when we give that much in His Name to our higher self, it is called Gurudakshina. It doesn’t belong to a man; it belongs to a true Teacher. This is the kriya which makes a teacher a Teacher.”

If we come across teachings that enhance, heal, and awaken our lives, we might feel gratitude. In the eastern traditions, no student would approach a spiritual teacher without first offering a gift.”Empty-handed you come, empty-handed you go!” For this reason Yogi Bhajan taught us, not to share the teachings for free. There is a karmic law of exchange, and whatever the student takes, he or she has to pay for it in one way or another. We also have been given the laws of prosperity. The tradition of Das Vandh is the sharing of the tenth part (tithing) of whatever we earn in charity, in the same way as we give the first tenth of our day when we do sadhana, and the first tenth of our body – our head – when we fall in love with the Guru. Gurudakshina is an offering to the source of the teachings in pure gratitude.
As Kundalini Yoga teachers, we are asked to share 11% of everything we earn from teaching activities with one of the organisations within the 3HO family. If you would like to serve the Kundalini Yoga Teachers in the UK and the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, you are welcome to donate to KYTA.
Gurudakshina contributions can also be in the form of work exchange. We have a lot of work to do at KYTA in these times and we are appreciative of any offers of support. You may be a legal, finance, marketing or IT expert or have ideas of how to help in other ways. If so we would love to hear from you.
Thank you for helping us serve the community.